Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Reflective response
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Blog 20 Post-Schematic for Structure of Web Essay
This is an example: http://kairos.technorhetoric.net/12.1/binder.html?topoi/warner/index.html
Monday, April 13, 2009
Brainstorming on Essay
Articles that i can use are:
"I love novels", Rheingold "Flashmobs" , Collins "Friend Game", "The Key Characteristics of Produsage Axel Bruns , Electronic Literature, "Sampling "the New" in New Literacies," Lankshear and Knobel , and Hayles: Material Metaphors and Technotexts.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Blog 19 Free Writing
The most interesting thing out of this whole course was looking and listening to everyone's presentation including mine "Friend Game", also known as online bullying which is a serious issue among youth. Everyone conrtibuted to inform others about cyber bullying, flasmobs, hyperattention, etc.
I learned the difference between deep attention and hyper attention. Deep attention is when an individual focuses on only one thing, and hyper attention is focusing on many things all at the same time rather than one thing. Focusing on many things is also called multi-tasking. I found that i am a hyper attentive person which i knew all along because i love to keep myself busy if not i get bored easily. I like to watch t.v, listen to music, text, use the internet sometimes all at once or sometimes using two out of four mediums. And learning about flash mobs was very cool because i didn't know about it before. Flashmobs are random people sending a message to a group random people to meet up at a location, at a certain time, and for example dress up or not and just act like a pirate. Other people around this group are like what the....is going on. lol..it's funny. I also learned how to make a wikipedia page and edit information on a chosen topic. I am still learning how to do a hypertext essay.
I was not fond of the hypertext assignment because i guess the topic wasn't interesting to me, it was difficult to complete because a lot of research had to be included, and it was a lot of work. I wasn't fond of the reflective essay either because i was still trying to figure out how to do this whole hypertext essay on the website thing. And I felt that giving another assignment knowing that we had a major assignment due was overwhelming. I wish i could have chosen a different topic. I did complete it to the best of my ability because these assignments were major required assignments for this course.
But overall, i learned a lot, such as learning to make a website using the hypertext essay and now i can teach others how to make a website too. Yeah for me! I also learned different issues concerning society and technology, etc. I learned how to blog for the first time using blogger.com, and i had fun while learning and posting my assignments/opinions online so that my classmates and professor can read on what i had to say.
"Friend Game" Presentation
According to WLTX Channel 19, the statistics they have found are based on the 2004 i-SAFE survey of 1,500 students from grades 4 through 8. Forty-two percent of children say they have been bullied online. Thirty-five percent of children say they have been threatened online. And fifty-eight percent of children say they have not told a parent about the bullying. 80% of cyber bullying is not reported.
Cases of Online Bullying
According to CBS news, there was one case in missouri where Mary Ellen Handy had a fight over a boy with another female online. The other person online called her a whore, a slut, and said I can’t believe you took my man. In general, people would say to others, “Nobody likes you, ugly, you’re a fat cow, and you have no friends, etc”. Mary Ellen Handy is still alive and what worked for her was a “low-tech” solution where bigger kids, meaning those who are not afraid to stand up to bullies, tell the bully to back off. Mary Ellen Handy says, "If it wasn't for them, I don't know if it would've stopped". She meant if it weren’t for the bigger kids to stand up to the bullies she didn’t know if the online bullying issue will ever stop. Another case was an 8th grader named Ryan Halligan. A rumor about him was spread online. I don’t know what the rumor was about but from reading the article I know it was very difficult for Ryan to go through. It was unfortunate and heartbreaking to hear Ryan’s dad John Halligan say, “Depression from cyber bullying contributed to my son’s suicide at the age of 13”.
Video on the case of 19 year old Megan in Missouri
A way to prevent online bullying
There are ways to prevent online bullying. You can educate yourself and be aware of what is going on around you. There are books and games to read and play while at the same time you are learning. For example, there is a game that is called, “Standing up to bullying!” It is an educational computer game that teaches school aged children anti-bullying skills in a fun and exciting way. This game can be played by 1 or 4 players. It teaches children effective ways to resolve issues without violence. It can be played in classrooms, home, and therapy settings. It comes in a game board format. It also teaches anti-bullying skills, communication skills, conflict resolution skills, confrontational skills, how the self-esteem effects bullying, profiles of bullies and their victims, friendship skills, anger management skills, and importance of body language and its effect on bullying. The price of this game is $19.95 and you save up to 40 dollars. Those that purchase the game will receive free unlimited updates. The limited trial version is on http://www.strongfamilies.us/computergame.php http://www.strongfamilies.us/ComputerGameTrialSWF/ABTrial.html. If you have any questions for more information you can call 1800-777-0955.
I played the game and I learned that if you want to react respond the opposite of what the bully is saying to you. Bullies do not throw the first punch. Bullies let their victims throw the first punch first so that way the bully won’t get in trouble for it. I found the game to be interesting, fun, educational, etc. The questions get repetitive throughout the game but I think it will be worth it at the end when I win each level. I didn’t get far in the game. I was still on level one. It was getting late, and I stopped playing. It was a great experience, and everyone should try it.
Tips on how to handle online bullying:
According to the CBS news, many social networking sites do not allow at all for anyone to use abusive language. If someone reports bullying then the bully’s account can and will be shut down. Parents can also install spy software to monitor their children’s messages. There is also a service that can search and destroy hurtful comments. Unfortunately, I don’t know what that specific service is called because CBS did not mention the name.
Tell an adult
Do not open messages but keep those messages saved for evidence.
There is a way to block bullies from aim.
According to WLTX Channel 19 news, research says:
Don’t React
Don’t Respond
Just Report
According to WJZ Channel 13, on Feb 19, 2009 at 5:47pm Eastern Time Gigi Barnett reports that legislator in Maryland wants to ban online bullying due to all of the profound hurtful words that caused the lives of so many people.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Blog 18 Hyper attention / Deep attention
- The kinds of media i use/read/engage with on a daily basis is the internet, such as checking emails, research for school, etc. I use my cell phone to text more than talking over the phone, and i watch my favorite television shows on t.v.. When i was 5 and 10 years old i didn't t use the internet on my own spare time because i was young, and i wanted to go outside and play with my brother and our friends. We would play sports, etc. I used the computers and read books in class for school purposes. When i was 15 years and older things obviously changed. I still read for school and had a lot of homework. I used the internet a lot in school. I use my cell phone, listening to music on laptop, ipod, radio, and watch t.v.
2. Rank the relative amount of time you presently spend with each medium -- be as specific as you can.
Internet- 3 hours or more it depends if i have a lot or less to do (checking emails, research, blooger.com for Eng, and homework at the same time).
Listening to and downloading music- an hour or so it also depends.
Texting- on and off All day
Cell Phone-20 min here, 30 min there, or an hour or more it also depends.
T.V. - 1hr. for my favorite show so it also depends what is on. If there are more shows on back to back that i like i'll watch t.v for like about 3 hours or so. that one day. And it also depends if i'm done with homework and chores, etc. I can't really say how much in a week because i really don't know it's on and off.
3. Describe any media associated with how you perform the following school related tasks: do math or other calculation-based homework read assignments:
- do math or other calculation-based homework- i use t.v. and music- 5
- compose a paper (answers may be different for drafting, revising + editing)- need silence when i'm focusing on typing up a paper on the computer- 1
- read assignments - 1
- study for an exam- I put some music on in the background- 5
- conduct research/find references- using the internet, on the phone, etc- 5
4. Describe any media associated with how you do the following everyday tasks:
- drive- some low music not too high not too low. 2
- eat a meal by yourself- listening to ipod, texting, on the phone, watch a movie, do h.w.- 5
- eat with your family/friends- music, t.v., texting, on the phone, games, etc. - 5
- household chores (cooking, cleaning, household repairs, work on your car)- listen to music and dance, texting, on the phone, etc - 5
5. Describe what you do to relax or in your free time - and how you relax
(e.g. watching TV while looking at a magazine and texting a friend)
- I watch t.v., listen to music, dance, sing, text or on the phone, etc.-5
Analyzing your patterns for attention:
a. Patterns of attention for individual activities: look back over your list and rank the individual practices listed under 3 - 5 . Use a scale of 1 - 5 where 1 is deep attention (focused on one task - creating an environment with no distractions) and 5 is hyper attention (focused on multiple channels for input - creating an environment with many distracting features). These numbers reflect your preferences for attending for individual activities.
b. Patterns of attending within activity clusters: After you have ranked all the activities you listed, give yourself a score for school activities, living/household activities + relaxation activities by averaging the numbers in each category (for example if you have 3 for math assignments, 4 for reading assignments, 2 for writing papers, and 5 for studying for exams, then your school number would be: 3+4+2+5= 14/4 categories = 3.5 (a little more on the hyper attention side than the deep attention side)
- School activites: 5+1+1+5= 12/4 categories = 3
- Living/household activities: 2+5+5+5 = 17/4 = 4.25
- Relaxation: 5
c. Overall pattern for attention. Average all the rating numbers to get your overall pattern for attending.
- 3+4.25+5= 12.5/3 = 4.08 Hyper attention
6. Questions to think about.
a. In which category were you most likely to use hyper attention? in which category were you most likely to use deep attention? Or do you seem to have a consistent style (all hyper or deep attention)? How would you explain this?
- In the school activity section i'm more into the deep attention depending on the type of work the professor gives us. Living/household and relaxation activities are different and are more towards the hyper attention because it doesn't require critical thinking.
b. In which category was there the largest range of numbers ( for example, some activities rated 1, some rated 5). Can you explain why the range might be large for this category?
- Living/household and relaxation activities. Explained in a.
c. In which category did you have the most consistent style? Why do you think this is so?
- answered in a. and b.
7. How would you characterize yourself in terms of patterns for attending? Do these numbers reflect how you would characterize yourself (in terms of attention)? What correlations or inconsistencies do you see between your feeling about how you think and these numbers? Can you explain them?
- It depends on the situation i am in, and i can charactize myself more towards the hyper attention because i get bored easily if i don't keep myself busy/entertained. But if i'm trying to study for a major exam or write an important paper i can't have any distractions but i do take some breaks.
Hypertext Essay Revised Final Draft
Research Question:
What role does and/or should the government play for online predators?
The government is usually a group of people that sets and controls public rules, and puts these rules into effect through traditions, organizations, and laws within each state in a country. For example anyone in law enforcement, federal agencies, etc.
The role of the government is to monitor people when using the internet to keep everyone safe, and to see if anyone is breaking the law rules. They also proactively investigate and take action on online predators that pose as minors or elders to get their victims. The government does and should inform a lot of information and enforces any serious or non serious issue that concerns the public's safety in its country.
What authority/role should/do non-government groups - like facebook - play?
Non-government groups such as facebook, etc are social networking groups that enable individuals to communicate with their family, friends, and/or coworkers, etc. These social networks also require rules. They have the authority to monitor and block/ban users from using their website if they find or receive any inappropriate action or information displayed on their site. These social networking sites are working, trying their best, are making an attempt, and should keep working on coming up with new and effective ways to minimize things like being a victim of online predators and/or identity theft, etc. and are trying to work to keep everyone safe and everyone's information on their profiles safe. These sites give people the option to publicize or keep their information private. Facebook has account and privacy settings that lets a person control what he or she wants to or does not want to show to the public.
What are the effective strategies that the government can use or are already using to prevent online predators?
Research says that Governor John Lynch from New Hampshire asked the senate committee to help protect children from online predators by supporting, continue supporting and spreading the news about "The Online Child Safety Act" that was created with the Attorney General and Law Enforcement. This comes from the Child Protection Act of 2006. In the year 2008, the state added an internet crimes prosecutor to address this issue.
Another way the government or even ourselves can do to protect and/or prevent online predators is for everyone everywhere to be educating parents and children about the harmful aspect of the Internet. The government has already put up a system online for example a "Nationwide sex offender mapping" where anyone can go to and search for any sex offender near or in the area they live in. Once the sex offender is spotted an individual can call for help if they have any concerns. Also, some sites are free and others have to pay to get more detail. New Technology from the government: http://www.mapsexoffenders.com/
Another way to prevent online predators is to install two parental security programs called the "Sentry At Home Protect Your Children From Online Sexual Predators and Inappropraite Content" and "Sentry Remote Monitor and Control Everything Your Children Do Online" on your computer. It is fast and easy to install and use in no time. Only "You" the parent can see your child's every move online you name it. No one else knows your on but you. Parents and any adult can log on from any computer and cell phone. It has a built in library that has keywords and phrases that police give out to help identify possible problems before they actually happen.
There is also a an act/law that is called "The Keeping the Internet Devoid of Sexual Predators Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-400, 122 Stat. 4224-4228)". This act allows sex offenders to give the attorney general information of internet identifiers by using a safe system that allows them to compare users of the internet identifiers websites to information on the National Sex Offender Registry. This system allows them to catch who is pretending to be someone else, sexual harrassing others, and much more.
According to research, Myspace and Facebook are taking precaution measures due to parents and law to keep everyone safe to have private profiles with limited information. They are going to come up with better ways to check if the user's age is actually there real age because young children fake their age to have a nice cool looking profile to either show off to their friends and/or want to be able to communicate with others because others are doing the same, therefore in their minds they might think "Why can't i do it or have one of my own". Children may also think this way to have that sense of independence "I have my OWN Myspace or Facebook, etc".
Online predators is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously and the more informed we are (to extend and apply) the more we can come together to diminish harmful encounters such as this one. One is in need of help online and offline, and it is our duties as parents, teachers, professionals, and especially "the government" to stop matters like this one in more ways than one. There is a solution. It is possible if we all work together as a team.
Preliminary Sources:
Governments role:
Includes safe websites for children:
New Technology from the government:
Government help:
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Blog 16 Hypertext Rough Draft Essay
Purpose: Government awareness regarding prevention of online predators.
What is the government doing to help prevent online predators from sexual harrassment online?
Research says that Governor John Lynch from New Hampshire asked the senate committee to help protect children from online predators by supporting, continue supporting and spreading the news about The Online Child Safety Act that was created with the Attorney General and Law Enforcement. This comes from the Child Protection Act of 2006. In the year 2008, the state added an internet crimes prosecutor to address this issue. Everyone everywhere is educating parents and children about the harmful aspect of the Internet. Does the government have a solution to this issue? If so, why is the government not stopping online predators? Are there effective strategies that the government uses or can use to intervene? In this aspect, what is or what should be the government's role?
This website will be in a format of a outline to make it user friendly for my audience. This website will inform parents, teachers, therapists, relatives, friends, elderly, and anyone who wants to know about the governement side concerning the issue of online predators. One may be in their comfort of home, work, and/or school enivornment, etc when reading about this topic. Everyone will be able to search for factual information about what the government is doing to help prevent online predators. The text is going to be informative, and easy and clear enough to read. The text on this site addresses the users because online predators is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously, and the more informed (to extend and apply) the more we can come together to diminish harmful encounters such as this one. Furthermore, videos of actual documentation on this issue will be included in this site. One is in need of help online and offline, and it is our duties as parents, teachers, professionals, and especially "the government" to stop matters like this one in more ways than one. There is a solution. It is possible if we all work together as a team.
Includes safe websites for children:
New Technology from the government:
Government help:
Monday, March 30, 2009
Blog 15 Wkipedia Final post
Link to entry page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_predator
The following text was my information i posted on Feb. 23 and Feb. 26, 09.
But do not forget that children as well are high risk victims like adolescents and the elderly.
In addition, according to "The Crime Watch" newsletter of the city of New Brighton, some parents are not aware that the internet is a primary communication medium. http://www.ci.new-brighton.mn.us/vertical/Sites/%7B2CF34F28-6DFB-45DA-AF59-36896254F224%7D/uploads/%7B317465A0-0B52-4949-A6FF-1FC08217FD26%7D.PDF
Everyone should be aware of false information people use to lure their victims into giving out their personal information and make others fear their predators that may not actually exist. http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/stallings.
Tips on How to Deal with Online Predators
There are cartoon games that anyone can play with that can help them defend themselves from their predators.
Then on Mar. 9 and Mar. 23, 09 i added some info. to the Talk: Online Predator discussion board. The following is what was said and received.
Talk:Online predator
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I added the following information. Someone took it down after my information was posted on wikipidia awhile ago. My question is why? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Baez09 (talk • contribs) 18:08, 23 March 2009 (UTC)
I added some information: "But do not forget that children as well are high risk victims like adolescents and the elderly. [2] In addition, according to "The Crime Watch" newsletter of the city of New Brighton, some parents are not aware that the internet is a primary communication medium. [3] Everyone should be aware of false information people use to lure their victims into giving out their personal information and make others fear their predators that may not actually exist. [10]Tips on How to Deal with Online Predators: There are cartoon games that anyone can play with that can help them defend themselves from their predators. [13]"
Please let me know what you think thank you.
Replied back by editors:
"But do not forget" and "Everyone should be aware" is not correct tone for an encyclopedia, the Crime Watch newsletter of New Brighton is not a reliable source, and Wikipedia should not contain tips. See WP:TONE, WP:IINFO, WP:NOTGUIDE and WP:RS. Theymos (talk) 01:14, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
Agree. --LegitimateAndEvenCompelling (talk) 01:34, 24 March 2009 (UTC)
Then i replied back:
Okay i see both points of view. Thank you for your help. baez09 (talk) 17:09 , 30 March 2009 (UTC)
My experience
My experience with wikipedia was pretty cool, and i was happy that everything ran smoothy at first for almost a good month. Then, my information was taken down. I was frustrated and disappointed because i thought i did a good job but i apparently didn't. Therefore, this is the first and last time i am editing something on wikipedia. I was able to communicate with the editors. Now i know exactly why my information was taken down. I have to be very careful what i say "tone" and find reliable sources that will support my info. I guess you can say it is a matter of trial and error.
Blog 14 Macro structure
The struture of my hypertext essay is going to be an outline partially network embeded network links with different link websites. This outline form will help users find chunks of the essay by clicking on a section of the essay for ex: study overview research question conclusion references feedback. We went over this in class. It will be user friendly.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Revised Research Plan
What is the government doing to help prevent online predators from sexual harrassment online?
Does the government have a solution to this issue? If so, why is the government not stopping online predators? Are there effective strategies that the government uses or can use to intervene? In this aspect, what is or what should be the government's role? One is in need of help online and offline, and it is our duties as parents, teachers, professionals, and especially "the government" to stop matters like this one in more ways than one. There is a solution. It is possible if we all work together as a team.
DOJ collaborates to help prevent online sexual exploitation
Plan for gathering information: I am going to research information by using online articles and so on.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Wikipedia update
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Research Plan Post
Topic: Online Predator
Purpose: To inform others and avoid harmful behaviors online that will affect everyone's lives.
What is the goverment doing to help prevent online predators? One is in need of help online and offline, and it is our duties as parents, teachers, professionals, and especially "the goverment" who have every power to control and stop matters like this one in more ways than one. There is a solution. It is possible if we all work together as a team.
DOJ collaborates to help prevent online sexual exploitation http://www.govtech.com/gt/articles/104610
Blog 12 Wikipedia Post
"But do not forget that children as well are high risk victims like adolescents and the elderly".
"In addition, according to "The Crime Watch" newsletter of the city of New Brighton, some parents are not aware that the internet is a primary communication medium". http://www.ci.new-brighton.mn.us/vertical/Sites/%7B2CF34F28-6DFB-45DA-AF59-36896254F224%7D/uploads/%7B317465A0-0B52-4949-A6FF-1FC08217FD26%7D.PDF
"Everyone should be aware of false information people use to lure their victims into giving out their personal information and make others fear their predators that may not actually exist". http://www.snopes.com/crime/warnings/stallings.asp
Tips on How to Deal with Online Predators
There are cartoon games that anyone can play with that can help them defend themselves from their predators.
My information is still up since Feb. 23, 2009. There has been some interaction with wikipedia since this topic wasn't getting as many people to participate. I posted some info. in the discussion section on March 9, 09. After me, several people have made some good editing since March 4, 09. We will see how everything works out because so far there is some improvement to this site and still needs more improvement. I enjoyed participating on a popular website. It was interesting, and made me feel good about myself that i am a consumer too and i can add some information to a major topic that can help everyone.
Blog 11 In class post
1.) Who uses the site?
Parents, teachers, therapists, relatives, friends, children, elderly, and anyone who wants to know about and prevent "online predators" or is the victim and is searching for help.
2.) Where are they?
They can be in their home, work, and school enivornment, etc.
3.) What do they want from this site?
Everyone will be able to search for factual information, related stories, how to handle the situation if one comes across it, how to avoid the situation, hotlines and so on.
4.) How does the text of the site address the users?
The text is going to be informative, and easy and clear enough to read. The text on this site addresses the users because online predators is not a joke and needs to be taken seriously, and the more informed (to extend and apply) the more we can come together to diminish harmful encounters such as this one.
5.) How do the graphic elements of the site address the users?
I want to add images of a computer, a stranger, an picture example of false information, and videos of actual documentation on this issue.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Blog 10
Internet Security http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/technology/EdTech/EdTechInitiatives/In_Security.htm
Social Security online http://www.ssa.gov/legislation/RecentIssues.html
I can also include a portion of information about online predators as well. This is also involved with online should be secure and private for everyone to use. Focus is on advicing people to be aware of people whom want to harm others by either using fraud to their advantage in any way possible, how this issue effects an individual and those around the victim, giving tips on how to prevent issue, and showing enough evidence to support my topic.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Blog 9 Produsage
The article “The Key Characteristics of Produsage” talks about one producing , distributing, and being the consumer themselves all at once and get feedback from a network of people. The following readings are connected to produsage.
1.) The features of the internet are all based on selling a product whether it is a website or the product itself on the website. Whoever invented something is the producer. For example, one may go online to http://www.wachovia.com/ or http://www.cvs.com/. We go on a website that someone made, and then we either buy something we like, such as clothes, perfumes, cell phones, etc or we pay our bills online. The buyers are the consumers. And one doesn't have to necessarily have to buy something to become a consumer. One could go on a any website for a few seconds or hours, and just by being on that website browsing around not buying anything one becomes a consumer as well because the producer on the other side can check how many hits his or her website received that day.
2.) Internet mindsets bring forth the whole concept of producing. For example, according to Lankshear & Knobel in this article, mindset 1 consider tools, material artifacts and commodities, the individual person, and industrial model being all a part of production. These are physical/material and industrial principles and logics. The world is centered and hierarchical. I feel as if mindset 1 is more structured. Mindset 2 consider post-industrial, enabling services, and collectives being all a part of production. These are non material and post industrial principals and logics. The world is decentered and flat. I feel as if mindset 2 is not so structured.
3.) Produsage is used through remediation. According to the article, new producers collect pictures, graphics, and audio, etc. There is a need for immediacy. And this leads online media to borrow pictures, videos, and much more from other people. This whole concept is a producer, distributor, and consumer. Producers make, they distribute the information to others so that they may borrow something from someone else. The producer distributes information by using hypermedia (taking multiple things and joining them into various hyperlinks). And the consumer is you, me, and everyone else who goes on that website and clicks on other links from that website to find related or other information that we may need or are interested in.
4.) Flashmobs is all about produsage. The producer arranges the event. He or she makes up the plan, and then distributes the information to others through the usage of cell phone. They may send a text message as a chain letter to a group of people. Or the producer can distribute the information (time, location, etc.) through the usage of internet. The consumers are the ones who are receiving the message about the special event, and they all meet up and start performing and entertain others who are not involved in the planned event. For example, one may want to get a group of people to act like "Ninjas" and meet up at central park in NY at 2pm.
5.) Wikipedia is a collaboration website where anyone can look up a topic they want or need to look up for school, work, or for fun research. The producers are the ones who made the website. The producers are also the ones who make a page and edit pages on Wikipedia. They are ones who distribute the information to others, and we are the consumers who look up the information and use that information that may seem valid or not for our research papers and so on. We all work together to edit one page at a time to make the information on the page valid and better.
In conclusion, remediation, features of internet, flashmobs, Wikipedia, and internet mindsets are all collaborations of technology that contribute producers, distributors, and consumers. Without producers, distributors, and consumers there wouldn't be internet, cell phones, television, and everything else that is made, distributed, and bought. Everyone in this whole entire world is a part of this collaboration one way or another.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Blog 8 Exploratory Writing for Wikipedia Post
I did some exploring browsing some topics on wikipedia. I wanted to contribute more information on cyberbulling but then i thought about online predators. I found a page on wkipedia about online predators http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_predator. In class i added some information like about two sentences so far onto the page at the beginning of the first paragraph (But do not forget.....). They didn't take my info. down cool lol...I still don't know how to add my references so if anyone knows how to please let me know thank you. It is an interesting topic because i want to let everyone know that they need to be aware that their kids are in danger. I want to let people know more information (steps and tips) about this topic, such as how to deal with online predators. I want to find a way to stop online predators from hurting their victims. The internet is the primary medium for strangers to get what they want, and we have to make the internet a safer place for our loved ones including more privacy so that strangers won't be able to harm their victims.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Blog 7 Smartmobs
Print might correspond to the communications that support flashmobs by doing the same thing. When you are printing you take a piece of paper and pen, write down the information that you want to send out to everyone, and you pass it on to another person face to face. But now that technology has become so common, popular, and more advanced an individual can use the internet and texting to send out the message quicker, and that saves a lot time instead of using print where it takes up time.
Digital communications have changed a lot. We can communicate through texting, emailing, etc. and send messages to a large group using chain letters to keep the message going. There are positive and negative chain letters. Most messages will say, "Send this to 10 people or something good or bad will happen in the next 5 minutes". Some people are supertistious and will keep the message going and others will ignore because they don't believe in it. And there are messages that people send out that can make a difference in this world. For example, keep this message going to help someone find their missing child, and lets all get together and walk to support breast cancer, etc.
Technology went from print to digital. We already have "Skype" to communicate with others. We can actually see the other person through video, so as of right now i don't know what else technology may bring us but i do know it will be something good, easy, hopefully effective, and fast.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Blog 5
Monday, February 9, 2009
Blog 4 Literacy & Tech Narrative Final Draft
Throughout my childhood development my parents and grandparents did indeed read to me. My mom likes to read for fun. She likes to read factual information and self help books but she does not like to read anything that is fiction. My grandparents also love to read for fun to expand their minds, and to develop the English language because they were born in Ecuador, and then came to live in the U.S. in their twenties. My grandparents and parents read books that included equal amount of English and Spanish literature. During childhood, I liked reading at that time because I was very young and liked seeing a lot of images in story books, and my family and teachers influenced me a lot to keep reading and writing because it is fun and important to use daily for communication purposes, and to expand my knowledge so that I can become someone who is a strong and smart professional in the future. Nowadays, on contrary, I personally do not like to read. Books do not interest me unless it is something really interesting, for example, giving advice on relationships and dating. When I come across children books, I used to read on my own when I was young; my first reaction is “Wow, I remember this book. That was my favorite. I have to read this to my future children”. I used to like to read and write on paper but as I grew older technology made everything easier and became really popular, common, and advanced. I was curious and wanted to be up to date with everyone. Therefore, I had to connect with society itself. It is more like if one is not up to date with everything that is going on in this world then that person is lost or one might say, “You are not “in” style”.
Furthermore, when it comes to writing my grandparents and my parents taught me how to write when I was about two years old. I remember each of them giving me a blank piece of paper and they let me scribble, color, and when I was in third grade I learned how to write in cursive. When I was in middle school my teachers taught me calligraphy. I love calligraphy because it is unique writing and I can be creative at the same time. When I was in third grade I used to write letters or notes to my classmates, especially about liking a first crush. My grandfather wrote poetry in his diary. When I was in high school I used to go to “Barnes and Nobles” book store and read poetry books. I loved poetry, and ever since then I started to write my own poetry. I used to write free style poetry not Shakespearian poetry, and I was so great at it. When I look back at the poems I wrote I still amaze myself. I tell myself, “Wow that was me? What beautiful deep heartfelt pieces I have written.” I used to write personal things to myself and then later wanted to show my work of art to others, and to show them that poetry was and still is a big part of my life.
Converting from print to digital technology was a big step for me. For example, I went from writing on paper to using the typewriter that I learned how to use around fourth or fifth grade because my grandparents used it for work and to write letters and so forth. Then, I had to learn how to use a computer because everyone else was using it in school and at home. I was and still am a curious person for intriguing things. And during my childhood years, I used to play a lot of video games, such as Nintendo “Mario Brothers”. I also took computer classes in elementary school (web design class), and other technology courses in high school and college. My uncle and grandmother know a lot about computers because they spend a lot of great time getting themselves involved in that field. They graduated college specializing in computer science and accounting. I also give a lot of credit to my cousin Kathy because she is the one who introduced me to aol (aim) and MySpace network. My cousin started using this site three months after it came out in the year of 2004 when she was a freshman in high school. A year later, I saw my cousin checking her MySpace page and updating her profile and background. I started to get curious and wanted to explore and learn how to get one of my own so that I can make my own profile with a nice colorful background, and then I’ll be able communicate with my friends and family as well. Then, in the year 2006 I was able to make a facebook account on my own. Nowadays, I prefer typing an essay on the computer instead of printing on a piece of paper because it is faster and my hands don’t hurt as much. I can express myself better this way. The plus side when using Microsoft word when I need to type up an essay for class is that if I misspell a word the computer automatically checks for errors. The computer also has PowerPoint presentation I can use if I need to make a presentation for class or work. I can also use the internet to research on different topics for class or publish my poems on http://www.poetry.com/, and so forth. Whereas, when I am printing I use an eraser and cut out pictures from magazines to make a presentation. I think print and/or digital gives me a chance to be creative. It is just a matter of me exploring to get the material together while keeping in mind the word “time” because time is essence. The only thing I do not like about the internet is that people can invade your privacy, such as hijackers. The internet is not as safe as one expects it to be but can be changed in the future to be safer, and some online literature can be false. But either than that having a computer is just another way to communicate with close or distant family members and close friends. I use my email accounts a lot to communicate with family, friends, and professors. I also use my phone a lot. I can not live without my phone. It is a huge part of my life. I have the unlimited text messaging plan in order to send a lot text messages to my family and friends.
Overall, my family, teachers, surroundings, and experiences influenced me to become who I am today. As said before, I prefer reading personal information that can relate to my own experiences, and I prefer typing poem and long and short essays on the computer. Even though I prefer digital than print, I still value print (writing on paper), and reading children’s books to my future children and to kids at a daycare I work in because print is the foundation that made technology. I just do not use it often as I use technology and if I use print or read an actual book it for school or work.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Blog 3
I see the internet increasing, getting faster, and continuing to get better in the furture. Just picture the internet as like in the movie "The Fifth Element". We can get movies online, go shopping online, do grocery online, and there's many more things to do, places to see and people to talk etc. Internet is so advanced and it is everywhere! Digital is the new in........